
The Solution
  • CERT uses patented, unique and proprietary processes to manufacture derivative products (up-cycled) out of plastic polymers for application in the construction, packaging and plastics manufacturing industries.
  • The group’s focus over the last decade has been dedicated to acquiring, optimizing, and expanding a patented mechanical polymer recycling technology for application in the renewable materials recycling sector. The technology has been developed, patented, tested and fully commercialised.
  • This has successfully been done with Ecosheet™, an up-cycled durable, cost-effective, environmentally friendly replacement for traditional plywood and flat boards. CERT has modelled the Ecosheet™ factory on the principles of knowledge-based innovation in patented processes, products and secure supply chains.
  • What makes the business proposition exciting is – both the economic value of the existing demand for the product and the prospects of rolling out more Ecosheet™ facilities to meet increasing demand for Ecosheet™ and other polymer products - and creating a profitable close loop ecosystem.
  • Managing plastic waste streams has reached alarming levels – resulting in strong existing market and regional economic conditions, thereby making it an excellent model for investment - Based on existing market demand and strong future demand, CERT is now taking Ecosheet™ into an expansion phase.