Global demand for plastic is projected to grow from 460 Mt in 2019 to 1231 Mt in 2060.
The highest growth of plastic used is dominated by the auto, construction, electronics and packaging industries.
Plastic waste is projected to almost triple, from 353 Mt in 2019 to 1014 Mt in 2060.
Plastic pollution is one of the great environmental challenges of the 21st century, causing wide-ranging damage to ecosystems and human health.
Plastic waste is mismanaged: collection, sorting and recovering infrastructure is limited. Successful wide spectrum plastic recycling remains a challenge at large.
Demand for higher upcycling targets in the EU. Today it stands at only 13%.
Less than 10% of plastic waste is recycled.
Plastic Recycling Technologies are under - developed, inefficient and costly.
Complex supply chains and contamination of waste streams places significant limitations on the opportunity to recycle and reuse plastic in new products.
Lack of private finance between seed and commercialisation stages prevents technologies maturing so they can transition from niche to
scalable, robust solutions.
The scarcity of private-public partnerships across the value chain are preventing the market from responding quickly and efficiently to the problem.
EU has set a target to recycle 50% of plastic waste by 2025 and 55% by 2030. EU has also introduced legislation on single-use plastics, banning several items.